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Public Safety Committee (DOC/Garner)

Regular Meeting
June 5, 2009 5:00 p.m.
C.H. Booth Library

Members Present: ~

Deputy Warden Scott Semple, Garner Correctional Facility
Mike Kehoe, Chief of Police
Joseph Borst, First Selectman
Stephen J. Sedensky III, State's Attorney
Mike Kelly, Town Resident
Jack O’Byrne, Nunnawauk Meadows Representative

Carol Swigart, Clerk

Chief Kehoe convened the meeting at 5:00 p.m. ~

Public Participation

Andy Gorosko from the Newtown Bee was present along with one other member of the public. No participation at this time was noted.

Approval of Minutes

The minutes of the last meeting held on March 3rd, 2009. ~Were accepted as presented and submitted by First Selectman, Joseph Borst, First Selectman, Joseph Borst made the motion to accept the minutes of the regular meeting March 3, 2009,  Seconded by Mr. Sedensky. The motion was accepted and the vote was unanimously carried. Mr. Borst added that Mr. Kevin Cragin, Board of Fire Commissioners had advised him he would not be able to attend the meeting.

Garner Correctional Facility Update

Deputy Warden Scott Semple appeared on behalf of Warden Dzurendal, he stated the current population count at the facility is 593 with 189 in general populations including 323 Mental Health inmates and  81 un-sentenced offenders on site. Since the last meeting, the facility has taken on a number of mental health inmates in the facility showing an increase. ~Mr. Semple stated that due to the overflow from the Hartford Correctional Facility the DOC has been housing 70 more inmates. Regarding the arrangement with the town and transportation the procedure is anybody who is bonded will be transported off site by DOC personnel and taken back to the Hartford destination where they will be bonded out from there that remains intact. Mr. Sedensky asked where the bonds are being processed and Mr. Semple stated 95% of them are from the Hartford area and are being brought back and processed back to the Hartford jail. Mr. Borst did question the expense of this and Mr. Semple stated that they needed to be transported away from the site anyway and with the overflow we have had to take that on, but it has worked out pretty well.

In addition Monday the facility went on a full lockdown for its annual shakedown where the facility purges at least twice a year, per protocol. We anticipate that this shakedown will be completed on Friday. So far since Monday we have taken multi-nuisance contraband. These are things that inmates are not allowed to have or may have changed what they were original intended for, meaning they were approved to have something but they may have changed it, for instance someone may take a bathrobe and make a pillow out of it. These are not allowed and not accepted and are confiscated. Mr. Semple noted that the facility is utilizing inmate workers for cleaning up Nunnawauk Road with DOC staff supervision. This has been primarily the state property, trying to keep the area clean of trash, so far as I know this has not posed any problem. Mr. Borst commented that they are doing a great job.

Mr. Borst asked what the cause was for the influx from Hartford. Mr. Semple stated there has been an increase and that the good news is that the facility is not operating understaffed and explained that this overflow is usually commonly due to a “roundup”. Chief Kehoe explained it is a “Felony” Round-Up. Mr. Semple stated that since this facility does have the capability to do this, they have been utilized for this overflow and he knows that this has been discussed with the committee before, and at this time he does anticipate that the present population will be there for awhile. Chief Kehoe did mention that he has discussed with Warden Dzurendal in length the issue regarding the Hartford inmates and some of the problems that may occur from that due to gang affiliation and patrols has been notified, especially in and around the area and combined with the shakedown this week he feels that notification has been made and patrols are on alert. Mr. Semple said that the only change that may be apparent regarding traffic from the shakedown and this will be the increase from the DOC, K-9 Patrol Unit.

Mr. Borst asked have there been any suicides, Mr. Semple stated “None” Chief Kehoe noted that assaults were down since the last meeting, Mr. Semple agreed the trend has been downward and does not anticipate any changes due to the influx from Hartford, he also added that the upcoming early retirements throughout the DOC agency will not have any foreseeable impact on the agency. There are 8 or 9 people retiring, roughly 50% are clerical. There will be 1 Supervisor and 3 Correction Officers. Mr. Borst asked if the DOC has been affected by the freeze on hiring. Mr. Semple stated that the agency is operating on a tight-tight budget even office supplies are affected. Chief Kehoe questioned if the mutual training was still being held off. Mr. Semple stated for the time being until funds are available. Mr. Kelly asked about sentenced population. Mr. Semple noted that this was down which is typical for this time of year.

Chief Kehoe asked about movement of supervisory staff and Mr. Semple answered “yes” “that likely more than half of the management staff, warden and above will be retiring. Chief Kehoe hoped that if this occurred that the relationship with the new warden would continue, as it has been a great working relationship so far and would like to continue this. Mr. Semple “That is a very high probability for this facility to have a new warden. The new warden will of course have the experience to manage this type of facility and would look forward to working closely as in the past with the Department and the Town. Andy Gorosko (Newtown Bee) asked if the DOC will be continuing to providing for the Mental Health population. Mr. Semple stated that we are a very unique facility and other states Massachusetts have come to the site and reviewed and will try to mimic our facility. We are a small state which makes us also unique, which allows us to address the population better. It has proven very affective.

Mr. O’Byrne stated there has been talk regarding the release of 40,000 inmates in California. Deputy Warden Semple he cannot comment on what Legislation will decide, there is no indication of that at this time, but here in Connecticut the re-entry program just like the Mental Health Program, the Re-Entry Program has been regarding as one of the better programs for relationship between law enforcement and the community and does not anticipate any changes.

Chief Kehoe thanked the Warden for keeping the Police Department updated. ~

Old Business

No Old Business to address.

New Business:

The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 p.m.